About Slicketts Digital

Genesis of Slick

One of my earliest memories of being inside a movie theatre was seeing the underappreciated Disney classic THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE with my dad. Near the end of the film our heroes Basil of Baker Street and Dr. Dawson are placed into a Rube Goldberg machine by arch nemsis Professor Ratigan.

It looked like certain death was looming via mousetrap, gun shot, crossbow, anvil, and axe falling onto our heroes.

But at the last possible second, Basil is able to calculate how to get out of the death trap and quickly saves Dawson all while doing it. They even have time to pose for a quick photo as the camera flash goes off. After that amazing escape I could hear my dad say, “SLICK.” I had never heard that word before.

What does slick mean dad?

“It means better than cool.” And it stuck with me. Everyone wants to be cool. But to go above and beyond that, you have to be slick.

“It’s not bragging if you can back it up.”
– Muhammad Ali

At Slicketts Digital we want to go above and beyond. Not just a cool agency, but one where our clients truly feel valued. One where personal relationships are fostered. After we are working for you and want to do everything we can to help improve your business, product, or service.

Core Values

  • Honesty
  • Personal Relationships
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Humor

Now we know what you are thinking, humor? I get all of the others; honesty, personal relationships, integrity, and transparency. This is what every other agency says. This is true. But humor is very important to us.

Contact Us Today

If you’re a small business looking for innovative and proven digital marketing strategies across a wide range of industries, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our SEO, PPC, Social Media services and how we can help you reach our online marketing goals.


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